Friday, April 27, 2012

#ArtIHeart 7 - Deluded Mother

Art I Heart
Share the art you love from your walls, a birthday card, what your child drew at school, that you saw in The National Gallery in London...

1. Choose one piece of art that has a short personal story behind it. It could be something on your wall, something you've seen in a gallery and love, homedrawn, on a postcard, on a birthday card, something by Degas or something by your DS.

2. Take a photograph, scan or download a picture of your picture and post it along with the short story about why you are drawn to it, have it on your wall, bought it, or hate it. Don't forget to link back to the linky so your readers can see the other entries.

3. Link up (it's open till next Thursday, 4pm GMT), leave a comment, et voila!

Here's mine:

Not the best focussed photo of the artwork but you'll get the picture (pun intended) even it's a bit blurred. A year and a half ago at 20 months, DD started Nursery. This is the drawing she did on her first day. The Hebrew at the top of the frame says: My First Picture At Nursery. I have it up still on our 'gallery' on the back of the door.

This particular one always makes me smile and laugh at myself. It represents one of those 'I know I'm a mother' moments. Why? At the end of the first day the teacher put all the First Pictures up on the wall. When I came to collect DD I looked at the display and I honestly thought that DD's picture was the best. And I honestly thought I was being objective.

Later I laughed when I realized that I had been a typical mother. I was so happy to have been a typical mother and to have, finally, gained some insight into the minds of those deluded women who think that their perfectly average children are more amazing than everyone else's children. My only saving grace was that I didn't go round telling everyone what a gifted artist my daughter is. Since then a degree of objectivity has returned and there are some very gifted 3yo artists at the nursery. However, I don't think that DD is one of them at the moment.



Share the art you love from your walls, a birthday card, what your child drew at school, that you saw in The National Gallery in London...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I don't know... art is vey subjective and I think DD's piece is wonderful too.

    1. I'll keep it just in case she becomes the next Picasso and this is worth a fortune.

  2. Well its a very good picture for a 20 month old. And everyone's little darling is a genius! :o).

    1. I agree (on both points - thank you) but that's just the reason not to go round saying that one's own little genuis is even more of a genius than everyone else's little genius.

  3. Gotta be your daughter's greatest fan! -this tells her loud and clear!

  4. For 20 months old that's brilliant! Lovely post, thanks for sharing it.

    1. LOL - I'm coming over all motherish again and swlling with pride. Thank you.

  5. I've been utterly devoid of any inspiration to keep joining in but have been admiring your continual gallery and those of other and forgetting to comment.
    A lovely picture and a lovely sentimental reason. I expect I will be the same once I get scribbles brought home! Those moments when you realise you are one of the crowd are great, even if you're not broadcasting about her genius through a megaphone. Just wait until she wins a colouring in prize....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Mouse. You are welcome to join in again at any time or just read and comment (or forget to comment). I wish Sribbles a speedy recovery. xxx
