Monday, May 6, 2013

The Shoes At The Door

We pull the guest bed out in case she falls out of bed
You may have noticed my Silent Sunday to Silent Sunday week with no posts in between? We needed to redo our bathroom. All the pipes were corroded and full of rust and everything was falling apart. I had known this, deep down, for a long time but had been ignoring it due to lack of funds. However, with no choice (and parental help), I went ahead and got it done.

Details (and pictures) to follow but you need to know that I packed up the whole house and we moved out for two weeks. Thanks to very kind friends we had a place to stay. On Friday we came home. It was like moving house - unpacking all the cupboards, changing furniture around as we did a bedroom swap, cleaning the dust that was still circulating and settling after I'd cleaned and cleaned and cleaned again...

I prioritised getting DD's bedroom clean and ready to make her feel more settled and so that she had somewhere to play while I tackled the rest of the flat. I told her that her bedroom floor was clean but the rest of the floors were filthy. As she was climbing and walking all over her bed, she must put on shoes when she comes out of her bedroom.

Of course she kept forgetting and I had to follow her back with the wet wipes to clean her feet before she climbed on her bed again. Eventually she started to remember and I'd hear her approaching with the announcement, "I'm coming to tell you something Mummy but It's ok, I'm wearing my flip-flops!"

After supper (we ordered a pizza) and stories there was a lot of this coming to tell me something, but she eventually fell asleep. When I went to check on her I found she'd placed her shoes at the door so as not to forget to put them on when leaving the room. #meltingheartmoment


  1. Oh my goodness - what an upheaval. Glad you had somewhere to go and stay - looking forward to reading the post re. the transformation of your bathroom. X.

    1. Posting some of it tomorrow. And yes, our kind friends made it a million times easier for us.

  2. Lovely moment, and I hope the bathroom turned out well too :)

  3. Diane and Conor in Cary, NCMay 7, 2013 at 8:48 PM

    Ooooo, looks very nice, reminds me of having to do the same, yuck, but then it is all worthwhile after the dust settles? Please tell me so:)

    1. Of course it will be but it's very stressful while it's happening. Good luck with yours.

  4. Loved this. Hope all is sorted now. :)

    1. It never seems to end. we still have decide how to finish off the shower - door or curtain, and what enclosure to put around the bottom. And pictures to hang. C'est tout I hope.
