Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Building Noah's Ark

Having told you you how happy and grateful I was not to have to build Noah's Ark as one of the other girls in DD's group has parents who love doing craft projects, I actually got quite into the whole event as more and more amazing arks turned up at school. The parents really outdid themselves on this one. Here are some photos.

I even sort of want to make one myself now.


  1. I am a bit confused - why did the parents make Noah's Arks?

    1. You're not confused at all Gililn. You know how it works. The kids are supposed to make Noah's Ark but do any of these look like the owrk of 7 yos to you. I admit that the children did help.

  2. Replies
    1. I know and since taking these photos, more have appeared.

  3. Such a gorgeous project, they are beautiful! :)

    1. They are but it sets a standard by which everyone knows that this isn't something 2nd graders do by themselves.
