Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Empty Plot

This playground in the school opposite us, is the proposed site for DD's nursery school. They start on August 27th so there's plenty of time, it being only half way through July and all.

Why is this happening? It's the result of a good thing actually. A few months ago the Knesset passed a law that free education should begin at age 3 rather than 5 as had been the case. When I say 'free' it's a loose term but it's a lot cheaper than a private nursery. For example, the nursery finishes at 1.30 or 2pm so you pay for the afternoon programme until 4pm if you're working, which most mothers are.

Many families who were in the private sector subsequently decided to register for State nursery. The economic situation was also a factor in this decision for many. Added to that, there have been whole new neighbourhoods built on previously agricultural land nearby. No schools and two nurseries were built to accommodate this influx of about 2000 families. And more building has started.

In my area, there were 70 children with no place for the coming academic year. The solution has been twofold. 1. To subsidise some of the private nurseries in order to encourage parents to stay where they are. 2. Build at least three (that I know of) new nurseries. Two of them are planned for one of the palygrounds (pictured) in the school opposite.

I know they will be pre-fabs and so they really don't take too long to put in place and connect up, but I'll be a lot happier when I see something happening. I'll keep you posted.


  1. where I live they are building 12 new kindergartens, and they are proper buildings not prefabs, and they are well underway already, but I am still worried that our one won't be completely ready on time...

    1. Fantasxtic - where do you live?

    2. Jusy saw I never answered this - we live in Ra'anana, and two days ago I drove past our new gan which was built from scratch (not prefab) in less than a month. The gan and equipment are all ready! (the area leading to the gan is not, but that's OK for a while

    3. Now that is impressive! We are only waiting for pre-fabs.

  2. I hope they get building soon! Similar situation for some primary schools here in Ireland. Some schools are full and been refused building funds and some schools have to put pre-fabs on top of pre-fabs! There's been a building fund announcement recently so hopefully that helps.

    xx Jazzy

    1. You'd think they would know in advance how many children there are living in anay one area.

  3. Nursery places are very limited here, you have to sign your child up for Nursery before they are born! Plus it is very expensive too.

    1. I'm very grateful for the system we have here - I'll just be happier when I see the building going up.

  4. Sounds like a very fair system. I am not sure what the situation is in Germany, but I know it was a nightmare in London when we left... Denmark wasn't that much better. There were places available, but not in the good ones! :/

    1. It is fair because mothers have to work for a family to even sustain a normal standard of living. Alos, they encourage large families (four is the norm)and childcare could take up more than the Mother's salary if there are(were) three children under 5. Now at least there is less liklihood of there being three children under 3 (though not impossible).
