Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Listography: 5 Truths According To Women

With the wisdom of a certain age (beginning with F and rhyming with nifty) and the experience of being a woman, here are five things I've learnt and feel compelled to share (in no particular order but there's something for everyone). You can read more truths according to women at the Listography HQ, Kate Takes 5.

1. No matter how many times Trinny and Susannah say that figure hugging clothes are more flattering to the fuller figure, it is usually more comfortable to wear something floaty. And that's the secret. Comfort outweighs fashion every time. There is no point in looking like a magazine fashion plate if you have that pinched look of pain or discomfort on your face all day. Why would anyone choose a pair of shoes (or a long tight skirt) that effectively turns them into a cripple? Floaty, comfortable, glam, fabulous, happy and relaxed works best. Just remember FCGFHR - it stands for floaty, comfortable, etc... ;o)

2. No one has as charmed a life as you think. Everyone has their problems, hang-ups, regrets or worries. At the end of the day you want to bring your own problems home with you rather than someone else's problems.

3. That fantastic amazing diet that made your three best friends lose upwards of two stone each and you can't wait to get started (just as soon as you can get your hands on 14 grapefruits and a suitcase of cayenne pepper)... it's not the diet. It wasn't the diet that was fantastic and amazing, it was the women who stuck to it. Most diets work, none of them are magic. You just have to choose one and stick to it.

4. The way you spend your days is the way you live your life.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Look after the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves (I adapted that one myself).
You can't have your cake and eat it.

All of the above are true. Take it from someone who has recently turned 50 and is still making the same resolutions she made when she turned 30 (and every year since). I have to admit that it was a grey day when I finally realized that most worthwhile careers come with a lifetime of homework but get over it and just do it.

5. This one is a bit spiritual and out of character for me, but I do believe it to be true. If you are in tune with the world it will work for you. Coincidences and good luck are your own personal miracles and they happen if you are open to them. There is plenty of money and love to go round as long as you are in the loop. Let go of the need to control everything and the universe might just show you good things you never even thought of.

Note to publishers: I could probably expand this wisdom into a book with lots of made-up case studies, some photos of sunsets off Google Images and a large advance. Contact me privately.


  1. If you get a book deal I bagsie the Introduction!

  2. Great list, and completely agree re diets - it's the person doing the diet and their level of willpower, and nowt to do with the diet itself! :-)

    1. It cracks me up when women start talking about the latest fad diet that will answer all their prayers.

  3. So, so true. If only I could stick to a diet then I really would wear lovely tailored clothes, everyday, even for the school run...

    1. Oh of course, if I did the diet I'd also ditch the floaty and go tailored.

  4. I love that: look after the minutes and the hours will look after themselves! Hope you are relaxing into your 50s.

    1. I;m trying to enjoy it and be laid back so much that the effort is stressing me out.

  5. I love your list!
    Great point about everyone having problems, so they might not have as 'perfect' a life as you think :)

  6. I really enjoyed reading this and found my head nodding along to all the points - especially points four and five, and I so agree with you on the comfy clothes!

    1. It's strange that I'm such a strong believer in 5 as I'm such a practical and down to earth sort of person, not spiritual at all.

  7. I love your note to publishers! Way to make your own luck :)
    Speaking as one who has 50 looming in the not too middle distance, I am constantly surprised by how much more relaxed I was about stuff than I once was, and how small my worries are compared to the people I meet. You are so right that no-one has the life we think they have. Everyone has problems. Everyone has bright spots. Lovely post

    1. Thanks AM, things do get into a better perspective with a bit of life experience.

  8. Fantastic list.
    I know lots of people who have learned the hard way that 'the grass isn't always greener'- there is an extremely fine line between admiring somebody and their life and wanting that life, and I try and remind myself of what you've said anytime I feel jealous of other (mainly) women. Usually the thinner ones who are getting more sleep and earn more money.
    And since having Isaac I am totally with you on floaty clothes. I have a 'go-to' black shirt that I can wear fancy, casual, slumming it at home and it's the floatiest thing going!

    1. So true about that fine line. And I do envy some women some parts of their lives but not enough to want to swap with anyone.

    2. I love #5 on your list, and secondly, #2, about a charmed life. I am dealing with my so-called issue of turning 55, and having a 10 year old son. At our temple I am in two havurahs, one for the parents with kids my son's age and the other with friends who are in their late 50s and have kids who have graduated from college. At both groups I always feel like a fish out of water! I think you are right about being "in tune with the world" and the fitting in might take place! Floaty clothes no prob for me but "fitting" into the world, yes! But you know, I wouldn't trade my crazy son and life for anyone else's, you are so right on there!

    3. You can be with people who are different and still feel like you belong if they accept you and you accept them. I do think it has something to do with being at one with yourself yes. Shana Tova to you for a great year. Is 55 also an issue? Oy! I've only just got through turning 50!

    4. Thank you! Very wise thoughts from you! You youngster! Sometimes it is hard to be one with yourself, I don't know if the age/number is the issue, you hit the nail on the head, being one with yourself!

      BTW - love your post for today - the "egg" post of the woman lamenting....

  9. The thing with cliches is that they're all true. I love this idea and this post and am going to plough my way through the Listography. Probably should add my own - but when you're nearer 50 than 40 - you learn your limits and to let some things go ;)

    1. LOL - I always say I'm nearer 40 than 30, it has a better ring to it somehow.

  10. If enough bloggers enter Kate's linky there might be enough material for a book :) On your list I love 2-5, but I don't like floaty clothes, but perhaps that's because they would not work too well in the wet Irish weather!

  11. You are a runner with a lovely figure so you have no need for floaty clothes, I appreciate that. :)

  12. In my humble opinion this is the best post you have ever written.


    Liska x

    1. I was thinking of you (and ExmoorJane) when I wrote number 5. Thank you :)

  13. I love number 5, and I hope the last paragraph comes true ;)

  14. In the past year I have really learned no.2 is true. As a friend asked me recently " If everyone put their crap on the table would you still take yours back?" and the truth is I would!
    And yes I am a great believer in no 5-it has brought me comfort and I have learned that if you are authentic what is good for you comes your way.
    Great list Rachel-thank you.

  15. Thanks Gilly. You are another one who doesn't have to worry about floaty clothes.

  16. If you get a book deal I wanna mention or else!! Very true words of wisdom especially the diet and if I may add one - be in control of your own destiny as much as you are able to. x

    1. Funny you should say that as I have another one that I forgot. It is that you are responsible for your own happiness. A wise woman told me that many years ago and she was right.

  17. Excellent list - all very true. I have also fairly recently come to terms with number 4, and am trying to live this one daily. TRYING.

    1. Don't worry, I'm still trying to do this one too.

  18. Ta luv. Now if I could only live by them...

  19. Great list. Love no.5. I think that if you are open then things happen just when you need them to happen... like reading a book just when you needed its wisdom, being in the right place at the right time to make a new friend etc.

  20. Such a good list.

    I think that we are all the same inside (basically insecure!), just our persona deals with the same issues differently. I'd rather keep my own problems, it'd take me too long to work out where to start with somebody elses.

    I'm not convinced diets work though... just need to exercise a little and to eat more sensibly for the rest of your days. There's no short term diet that can quick fix this. Sadly!

    1. In the log term I think you are right about diets. I'd love to be able to do the "French Women Don't Get Fat" way of eating and exercising but sometimes you need a quick boost to start feeling better sooner. A short diet can do that just for the beginning I think.

  21. This is a great list...can I just add that I wouldn't be happy with flippin' Trinny and Suzanna man-handling me the way they do some of the lovelies on their programme!

    1. I know, I agree but on the other hand, they do usually end up looking a lot better.

  22. Brilliant list! I couldn't agree more with them all! I love 5 especially, best rule to live by. I'd happily read a book if you wrote one, very interesting in my opinion!

    1. Thanks Issy, I'd happily write a book if... where shall I start? ;o)

  23. Love your five truths, especially the last one, very inspirational! (And if I were a big-shot publisher, I'd contact you!) My problem with books is FINISHING THEM!

    Now, turning a blog into a book, that's a different story!

    1. There are websites that let you do this (for a price) if you want a hard copy of your blog with pictures. I could see myself doing this one day, maybe. I'd edit out the rubbish posts first though.

  24. Number 2 is one of the greatest truths of life. Great list!
